
Ratschläge und Informationen vom Team von Nnamdi The Jeweler

Find Your Perfect Diamond Shape: A Guide for Every Finger

When it comes to selecting the perfect engagement ring, the choice of diamond shape plays a pivotal role in reflecting your personal style. Each shape has its own unique character,...

Nnamdi The Jeweller: Your Guide to Diamond Clarity (What diamond clarity is best?)

Discover the Secrets of Diamond Clarity Diamond clarity is a crucial factor in determining the beauty and value of a diamond. It refers to the absence of internal inclusions (flaws)...

After-Sales Care: Keeping Your Jewellery Radiant

From Nnamdi the Jeweller Investing in fine jewellery is a significant decision, and it's essential to ensure your precious pieces remain radiant for years to come. Proper after-sales care is...

Mastering the Craft: A Look at Jewellery Setting Techniques

The setting of a gemstone or precious metal is a critical aspect of jewellery creation. It not only holds the stone securely in place but also enhances its beauty and...

Understanding Jewellery Certifications

When it comes to purchasing fine jewellery, understanding the certifications behind the gemstones and metals is crucial. These certifications provide assurance of the quality, authenticity, and value of your investment....

A Guide to Authentic Diamonds: Spotting the Real Deal

Diamonds, renowned for their brilliance and timeless beauty, have captivated humanity for centuries. However, with their allure comes the risk of counterfeit stones. In this post, we'll delve into the...

Getting Engaged? How to find your Partner's Ring Size

So, you've found the one and you're ready to take the plunge. But there's one small detail holding you back - her ring size. Don't worry, we've got you covered....

Sind Verlobungsringe und Eheringe dasselbe?

„ Wenn es um die Welt des Schmucks geht, gibt es oft falsche Vorstellungen über die Unterschiede zwischen Verlobungsringen und Eheringen. Sind sie dasselbe? Nnamdi-The-Jeweller geht auf die Details ein,...
